NOON Programs are free programs sponsored by Auburn Friends of the Library.
Programs are 12:00 -1:00 the third Friday from September to June.
Location during library renovation: Auburn City Hall, Rose Rm, 1225 Lincoln Way. Auburn
January 17 "Still Standing Guard”
Presenter: Rebecca Greg
Everyone has a story to tell and most of us like a good story...especially when it’s true. Still Standing Guard is a book of personal stories and reflections by Japanese-Americans about the forced incarceration at Tule Lake during World War II and their return to Placer County after 1946.
February 21 "Monkeys Could Save the World”
Presenter: Robert Litchfield, Chair, Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital Foundation, Leadership Auburn Facilitator, 2024 Recipient of Auburn Chamber of Commerce's Lifetime Achievement Award
Whether they want to admit it or not, human beings are still mammals. They still grow hair, and they don’t really behave much differently than other mammals. In fact, if Americans would spend more time studying the ways that other mammals behave, then monkeys could show us how to save America from tearing itself apart. Monkeys could show us how to reduce or eliminate political polarization, anger and hatred. Monkeys could show us how to soften our self-righteous judgments about those around us. Monkeys could show us how to avoid deadly conflicts. Monkeys could show us how to work together more effectively, and how to improve our chances of survival. Leadership Trainer and Animal Behaviorist Bob Litchfield intends to show us how, with a little work, we could learn to be almost as smart, happy, and successful as monkeys.
March 21 Connect Community Look to PCF
Presenter: Jessica Hubbard Philanthropic Service Manager, Placer Community Foundation
A peek into one of the most effective organizations in our area. As they approach their 20th anniversary, learn a little bit of their history, their ongoing projects and their vision for the future. The Placer Community Foundation is a major problem solver. Through relationship building and truly listening to every voice, resources can be channeled in smart, strategic ways to create a healthy, connected community with abundant opportunity and a great quality of life.